Do CPAlead Blogger Websites Work Well?
When it comes to CPAlead, ultimately, for the majority of CPAlead methods, you will require a website. But is it better to have a domain and use a blogging system, such as WordPress or will CPAlead Blogger sites work just as well?
There are a few advantages to using CPAlead Blogger websites over WordPress and other blogging platforms:
*If you are new to building websites, then Blogger is the easiest possible way to make a website. WordPress is a more advanced system for building sites. It is better if you are looking for a lot of features, but generally, when you are building a CPAlead Blogger site, you want it to be simple.
*Blogger ranks well in Google — I wonder why? Perhaps because Google owns Blogger. When it comes to ranking high, Google will favor your Blogger CPAlead websites.
*Blogger is free! If you are just starting in the Internet Marketing world, then you may not have any initial investment funds, therefore, using Blogger, which is free, you can start to make money easier.
*From one account, you can manage multiple blogs. With blogger, if you set up 10 CPAlead Blogger websites, you can manage them all from the same Admin Panel.
*With Blogger, you are using Google’s HUGE servers so you will probably not have much downtime.
If you are new to CPAlead, then Blogger CPAlead Websites are going to be the easiest and quickest way to make money.
How does CPAlead Work out Conversion Rates?
This is a really a simple question to ask and the best way to answer it is with some example. The basic formula that CPAlead will use to work out your conversion rate will be:
(Number of Leads / Number of Clicks) x 100 = Conversion Rate.
For example. Let’s start with a simple example. You receive 100 clicks, and of that 100 clicks, 20 result in a lead. You would do:
(20 / 100) x 100 = 20% is your conversion rate.
Another example. Let’s go more complicated. You receive 238 clicks and of that 238 clicks, 93 result in a lead. You would do:
(93 / 238) x 100 = 39.08% is your conversion rate.
See it is really simple!
How do I Set up a CPAlead Gateway?
Easy. Follow these simple and straight forward instructions so that you have the optimum CPAlead Gateway for your websites. These will work perfectly on a CPAlead Video Website.
1. Sign into CPAlead assuming you have signed up already. If not, then you will need to apply and wait to be confirmed.
2. Select Tools from the sidebar on the left, then Widgets, then Create Widget. Now select the sort of Widget you want to create depending on the content you are hiding.
3. First of all, you will be asked about the skin you want to use for your CPAlead Gateway. You can select one of their skins, but it is better to have your own customized and unique skin. We have a large collection of skins that you can use and they can be found here.
4. Once you have selected the skin you want to use, you can then click Name/Desc where you can decide upon a name you feel will be appropriate for your Gateway as well as a description of your Gateway.
5. You now need to click Monetize Method, where you can select from Free Offers, Trial Offers, Purchase Offers and PayPal. The best option is Free Offers as this is what 99% of users will select.
6. Now select Design and make sure all your options look like the image below:
7. On the next tab, Widget. There is only two options you need to change. You need to change the Tease Time to 15 – 20. You then need to select NO next to Close Button. Do this! IF you do not change this, people can just close the Gateway and you earn… NOTHING!
8. Now go to Create/Finish and then select I Agree and then Create Widget.
You have no created your Gateway. If you want to edit it, get the code to add to your sites and more. You need to select your Gateway from the Tools, then Widgets, then Manage Widgets. Next to the widget you want, select Choose Action and then choose accordingly.
When will I Start to Earn with CPAlead?
As the saying goes, ‘How Long is a Piece of String?’ and as with most things you will be rewarded for your efforts. You could start to earn within 30 minutes of trying, but you would have to put an awful lot of effort and work into that 30 minutes in order to get earning.
More realistically, after using just one method, you can generally expect to see returns after 3 to 5 days depending on the method.
It also depends on how much you already know. If you already know how to set up a CPAlead Gateway, and if you already know how to set up a website, it shouldn’t take you too long to get the site started. However, if you are a complete newbie to the whole set up, it will take you longer and it will therefore take you longer to earner.
Remember, CPAlead is a job in a way and have a GET RICH QUICK scheme. You need to put the effort in to see long term returns.
Can I Earn a Living on CPAlead?
Yes! Yes! Yes you can! And no, you do not have to be a skilled computer programmer, nor do you have to have a 100% unique method. You just have to work hard at CPAlead.
You can’t sit at home, spending 15 minutes a day on CPAlead methods and expect to make $100 a day. You need to work on CPAlead as you would work a normal job. Treat it as a normal job and treat it with the same number of hours.
Remember, the more hours you put in, the more money you will get back.
There are people on CPAlead who are earning in excess of $1,ooo a day.s… PER DAY. This is real. This is happening every day on CPAlead but only for a small handful of people. In order to become a member of this small and lucky group, you must work ‘your socks off’.
Can you earn a living on CPAlead? Of course and you will if you work hard at it.
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